I Will Never Comprehend How These People Fly a Million Miles An Hour In a Wingsuit


I know we’re all humans, but this guy isn’t the same species. Think about it. There’s just no way his brain is the same as a normal human brain. He’s whipping around tree and mountains and roads made out of rocks at a million miles an hour. Humans aren’t supposed to do that. When I think of what humans are supposed to do, I think of the cavemen. We eat, we grunt, we fuck our woman, we die at the age of 30. That’s the basics of human life. Not strapping on a pair of wings and gliding through the air. The fact this exists in real life goes highly under-appreciated. Think about it- every winter olympics they are sucking the dick of some new figure skater or speed skater or some other stupid sport. That Apolo Ohno guy is NOTHING compared to flying dude here. Not even in the same ballpark. Not even in the same country.



Fucking flying Jesus. It does not make sense.


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